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My first post on devkarti

Published: at 03:22 PM

An quick intro about my new devkarti blog.

Image 0: My first post on devkarti.

Why did I create a blog named devkarti?

There are several reasons for creating this blog. Long ago, I wanted to create a science blog, which I could never complete. I wanted to create a course website, which I also never managed to do. I could keep going with this list. So, instead of dwelling on things I was never able to complete, let’s discuss the things I have been able to accomplish. This is my first-ever personal blog, created after working in this industry for more than seven years. Now, I am going to dump all the ideas I had for my science blog, programming course blog, or whatever I find fascinating here.

I don’t care much about grammar in this blog because it’s my personal space, and I want to share what I feel everyone should know. However, all the posts will be written using a Grammarly-free account, so basic issues will be fixed with its help.

What are the contents you are going to find in devkarti?

As I have already mentioned, this is a completely personal blog that I dedicate to science, programming, and technology. If I find something fascinating in science, I will write about it in exactly the way I understood it. I will also write more about programming stuff, where will have content like programming hacks or something you could never find on StackOverflow or something you followed from another blog and it never worked for you. The idea is to have content that is working, and of course, something about new technology with simple features that can make your daily work easy. I am never going to write about AI since there are so many articles about it all over the internet already.

Why did it take this long to create this blog?

A few years back, I had a blog where I used to post technology content alone. But at that time, I was very new to the industry, and all I wanted to do was add articles, then add ads, and make money. The fun part is, I use ad blockers, and I just showed ads in every corner of the page. The website didn’t go that well, and I was never able to create time for adding new content, and I was already losing money on hosting. So, I shut it down and decided to start with these things later, and now I am back.

More about devkarti.

There is no intention to add any advertisements to any part of the website. This blog is created with Astro, Thanks to Sat Naing for his Astro Paper theme. This theme is available in Github, You can check it out and create your own version too. Other than that,
Welcome to devkarti.

Happy reading.